Wednesday, May 26, 2010

Intentional Cheating Part I: We Are Not Magical Samurai

What?????? We aren't? You mean we aren't a noble warrior in a faux-Feudal Japanese fantasy setting just because we play an RPG or push around little pieces of cardboard? The hell you say!

Yes, I know it must be shocking for some of you to actually read these words, but it is important to type them for everyone to read none-the-less. In case you didn't get the memo, let this be your notification.

Why did I type that as the introduction to this particular article (and series of articles?) Because it is important to be grounded in the reality of real life in order to understand what is and is not cheating. If you live by some made-up code of honor or fair play and you feel you are being cheated just because others don't follow the same code, don't be surprised when you aren't taken seriously by a judge or other players. We are only interested in real cheating, not some perceived slight because your opponent wasn't an honorable player even though he was playing Crane.

This leads into a more important point about L5R the card game: it is not (I repeat, NOT) an RPG or a way of life. It is a card game. I have read several times on both the Alderac forums as well as the Scorpion forums where a player says something along the lines of 'Hey, it is ok that you cheated or deceived the other player. We are Scorpion, it is what we do, so it is ok.'

No, it is not ok. You are not a Scorpion. You are a person who lives on planet Earth and plays a fictional clan from a fictional setting in a card game where there are firm rules in place for how the game is played and how players are to conduct themselves while playing said game. How would you like it if a Crab player punched you before the start of a match, or a Unicorn player jumped on your back and tried to ride you like a horse, or a Phoenix player doused you in gasoline and lit you on fire? How about if a Mantis player stole your money or your property? I thought so.

Remember, cheating, especially on purpose, is against the rules no matter what clan you play. It is not acceptable and it will always warrant a punishment. I will apologize at this point for singling out Scorpion players, as I know that there are non-Scorpion players who cheat as well, but the Scorpion players are the only ones I have ever seen publicly say it is ok to cheat because of their affiliation with a fictional clan from a fictional land. Please remember we live in a real world with real consequences.

Coming soon: Part II of Intentional Cheating in which I discuss what to keep an eye on to keep from being cheated.

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